Actress Dur-e-Fishan Saleem, famed for her roles in ‘Ishq Murshid’ and ‘Khai’, is at the heart of a social media storm after a video of her was secretly recorded and shared online. The video, which has quickly gone viral, has incited a wave of anger from her fans. Currently enjoying a break with her family in London, Saleem was filmed without her knowledge while walking through the city. The video captures her wearing casual attire, stopping to enjoy a busker singing the title track of her drama ‘Ishq Murshid’. Saleem is seen appreciating the performance and recording it on her phone before leaving with her friends. The person who recorded the video followed Saleem discreetly, capturing her interactions with friends. This breach of privacy has led to widespread criticism on social media, with fans expressing their dismay and calling for greater respect for personal space. Amid the support, some social media users criticized Saleem for her weight and choice of clothing, with unfounded claims suggesting the video was orchestrated. However, Saleem’s unguarded reactions in the video seem to indicate otherwise.
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