As fans of drama and gossip reach for their popcorn, actor Mishi Khan launched yet another offensive at singer Abrarul Haq after the latter hit back at her for dismissing his Bollywood claims. Taking to her Instagram handle, Mishi put up a second video and included a mocking caption. “If you are such a philanthropist and humanitarian, why go into the details of a project offered to you 12 years back?” questioned Mishi. “Why mention it when it’s stale and not relevant anymore?” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mishi Khan MK (@mishikhanofficial2) Mishi further took Abrar to task for stumbling over her name in his video, accused him of reading from a script, and unapologetically defended her earlier remarks. “Yes, I laughed at you, and I own that,” she said. “But have you forgotten when I encouraged you back when you were a teacher? No one knew you back then! You once appeared on my channel as well!” Venting out in her caption, Mishi added, “Stick to the point and don’t pretend you don’t know me. Whoever gave you the script has done a lousy job. Yes, I mocked it because I found it funny. Being in the same industry does not mean that I have to say yes or agree to everything. I was never a khushamdee.” Rounding off her post, Mishi added, “For me, it [Bollywood offer] was the latest news as I am not your crazy fan to keep a record of your offers. Hope you will remember my name. It’s not Mushy, it’s Mishi.” For those not in the know, the singer had recently claimed in an interview that he had declined a Bollywood offer to star opposite Katrina Kaif when the film did not align with his personal code of ethics. In response, Mishi had leapt upon the claim and questioned why Abrar had kept mum about such an honour. Abrar put up his own video questioning the moral values of those who consider a Bollywood offer an honour, and urged fans to consider his philanthropic endeavours instead. Whether or not Abrar chooses to release another video after Mishi’s second attack remains to be seen. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments.
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