Bollywood icon Akshay Kumar has revealed that his career’s most challenging film was 2005's comedy blockbuster 'Garam Masala'. Akshay shared in an interview that working on this film was an arduous task. As reported by Indian media, Akshay cited director Priyadarshan’s lengthy takes as a primary challenge. “I was often out of breath during the shoots; it felt like performing in a theatre production,” he admitted. Playing three distinct roles with varying facial expressions was no easy feat for the actor. The director's technique of capturing multiple character scenes in one take compounded the difficulty. Akshay mentioned that some takes lasted up to ten minutes, making them more taxing than action or dance sequences. Released in 2005, 'Garam Masala' focuses on Akshay's character 'Mac', who juggles relationships with several women at once, only to be discovered by his friend 'Sam' (John Abraham). The film’s cast includes Paresh Rawal, Rimi Sen, Neha Dhupia, and Rajpal Yadav. Akshay Kumar is currently quarantined at home after testing positive for Covid-19. He is adhering to medical guidelines to ensure a speedy recovery. Kumar's success continued with hit films across genres, including romantic dramas like Namastey London, action movies like Airlift, and comedies like the Housefull series. He has been honored with numerous awards, including the Padma Shri, India's fourth-highest civilian award, for his contributions to Indian cinema. Now in his 50s, Kumar remains one of Bollywood's most bankable stars, delivering consistent box office successes with his unique blend of action, comedy, and drama. With his disciplined lifestyle, commitment to fitness, and willingness to take on challenging roles, Akshay Kumar has cemented his place as one of the greatest actors of his generation
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