Pakistani actress and model Fiza Ali has strongly condemned false rumors circulating about her marital status, accusing social media platforms of spreading misinformation. In a recent statement, Ali expressed dismay over misleading reports suggesting she had tied the knot. She specifically called out YouTube channels and bloggers for perpetuating these inaccuracies without verifying facts. She lamented the impact of such fake news on her personal and professional life, emphasizing the need for responsible journalism in the digital age. "I often find myself the subject of untrue stories whenever I travel to places like London or New York for work or leisure. It seems whenever I'm away, rumours of my marriage start circulating," Ali stated, visibly frustrated by the situation. "Those who spread such false rumours should understand the emotional toll it takes and the distress it causes." The actress urged social media users to exercise caution and verify information before sharing, highlighting the detrimental effects of fake news on individuals' lives. Ali's candid remarks underscore a growing concern over the unchecked spread of misinformation online.
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