Yasir Hussain took to his Instagram on Wednesday morning to stamp out speculation that he and his wife Iqra Aziz are expecting their second child. “We will have a baby when Allah wills it,” he wrote in response to news reports being published that his wife was already pregnant. “Right now, we are not expecting one. Please relax,” he penned. Rumours of the pregnancy arose after the actor recently made an appearance on a morning show with Nadia Khan, where he remarked that he and his wife were considering having another baby. “We will be having a second baby soon, InshaAllah,” Yasir had said at the time. At the time, Yasir added that he did not mind being asked what can otherwise be construed as invasive questions about his and his wife's plans to expand their family. “I don’t mind if people ask such questions,” he had gone on record to remark in the show. However, at the same time, he categorically did not provide any concrete details that a second baby was already on the way, and made it clear on his Instagram that for now, it is not happening. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments.
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