On Tuesday, film veteran Babra Sharif took to Instagram to publicly commend the Indian Punjabi film Jee ve Sohneya Jee. The ‘Audrey Hepburn of Pakistan’ reserved special praise for star Imran Abbas, who plays the lead role of Ali Parvaiz. Reposting her review of the cross-border love story, Babra captioned her post, “Saw the movie last night [...] amazing film!!!” According to Babra, Jee ve Sohneya Jee “celebrated the human-to-human connection regardless of boundaries of any kind.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Babra Sharif (@babra_sharif) Branding the direction, cinematography and performances of the film “incredible”, Babra reminded audiences that she usually keeps a low profile on social media, but in this instance, the strength of the offering compelled her to share her views. “I don’t think I have felt this emotional about a movie in [a long] time,” she wrote. Making special mention of Imran, Babra added, “It’s a must watch movie. Also, Imran Abbas performed very well from the second half till the end.” Taking Babra’s effusive praise to heart, the delighted Imran shared Bara’s complimentary review on his own Instagram, captioning his post, “What certificate of recognition do I require following these complimentary words from an icon, a legend, and someone whom I admire greatly as her biggest fan, namely Babra Sharif.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Imran Abbas (@imranabbas.official) The Alvida star hailed Babra’s feedback as all the more special when keeping in mind the veteran’s usual reserve in sharing her opinions online. Labelling Babra the “queen” of showbiz in Pakistan, Imran did not hold back his own gratitude at being recognised for his talents. “I can boldly state that Pakistan has never seen a heroine greater than Babra Sharif,” he continued. “I am grateful to Babra Jee for her love and sincere feedback, as I understand that she often keeps her comments to herself and never [shares] in public.” Released in February and directed by Deepak Thapar, Jee ve Sohneya Jee is an Indian-Punjabi film, exploring the emotionally charged story of a Pakistani man and a Sikh woman who fall in love. Simi Chahal plays the role of Meher opposite Imran’s Ali. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments.
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