Film and television actor Moammar Rana, 43, who endured a gruelling jam-packed schedule at the height of his career, sat down alongside wife Mehnaz to discuss his life, career, and bond with daughters in an interview with Jugun Kazim on PTV. “My relationship with my daughters is all down to Mehnaz,” explained the actor and father of two, giving his wife full credit for instilling discipline and running a tight ship in his absence. According to Mehnaz, Rana’s busy schedule meant he was largely absent from their daughters’ lives, but despite that, or perhaps because of it, she always spoke warmly of him and ensured they respected how hard their father worked for them all and loved him for it “Life takes a different direction after children, and it’s a learning curve for any couple,” said Mehnaz, a self-described “strict mother”. Mehnaz always aimed for their daughters to nurture a deep love and respect for their father, whether he was at home or at work. “I always reminded the girls that whilst we can have the AC on in the heat, their father is out there working in 48-degree heat,” she recalled. “Similarly, I reminded them that whilst we can curl up under a blanket in the cold, he is still out working whatever the weather, in sickness and in health, even if he has a fever.” As the absent father, Rana sometimes lamented his wife’s strictness, but always ensured that his family never wanted for anything during his long periods away from home. “I always made sure they had a car for wherever they needed to go, and if one wasn’t available, I would buy them one,” said the actor. Today, the proud Rana enjoys a rock-solid bond with both of his daughters Rea, 24 and Raneya, 18. Have something to add? Share it in the comments below.
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