Renowned Pakistani actress Ayeza Khan recently took to Instagram to share her sentiments about missing Ramazan shows this year. Ayeza, who has previously charmed fans with three Ramazan plays Chupke Chupke (2021), Chaudhry and Sons (2022) and Chand Tara (2023), expressed her yearning for the TV genre that has become a staple in recent years. In the IG post, the actor shared a picture in which she can be seen lounging comfortably on a couch, adorned in a delightful pink floral dress paired with white shoes. Alongside the picture, she penned a heartfelt caption that resonated with her followers. "Meenu - Tara - Pari. Missing working on Ramazan projects this year. Thank you for the love and support you guys have been giving me throughout," Ayeza wrote, recalling her iconic characters from Ramazan serials in the last three years. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ayeza Khan (@ayezakhan.ak) However, Ayeza's post also hinted at the possibility of upcoming projects for the festive occasion of Eid. She relayed her intention to potentially unveil something intriguing for Eid celebrations and sought suggestions from her followers on which character she should portray next. She furthered on, “Maybe I’ll come up with something interesting for Eid? Any suggestions on which character I should do next?” Last year, the A-lister added to Ramazan’s festivities with Chand Tara a lighthearted romantic comedy, sharing the screen with her husband, Danish Taimoor. The series followed the charming tale of Chand, portrayed by Danish, a software engineer with aspirations for independent living within a joint family setup. On the other hand, Ayeza stepped into the character of Tara, a gynaecologist raised in solitude, yearning to experience the warmth of a joint family. Ayeza's portrayal of Tara brought a captivating blend of grace and relatability to the character. Her on-screen chemistry with Danish added depth to the unfolding love story. Whereas the Mein actor won fans with her role as Parisa "Pari" Ahmed in the 2022 Pakistani romantic family comedy Chaudhry and Sons, airing in Ramazan. She portrayed Dildar's lost granddaughter, who has been struggling to pass her exams for an extended period. Ayeza's character added a unique touch to the narrative, bringing depth and authenticity to the portrayal of a young woman facing academic challenges. The plot takes an interesting turn as Pari's marriage is arranged with Billu, played by Imran Ashraf. Ayeza's performance in navigating the complexities of Pari's life showcases her versatility as an actor. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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