Renowned Bollywood actor Zeenat Aman has expressed her disapproval of the decision to create a biopic on her life without her involvement. The announcement that actor Payal Ghosh would be portraying Aman in the upcoming film Shaque: The Doubt raised scepticism, leading the veteran star to label the move as “foolish.” In an Instagram grid post accompanied by an old black-and-white picture of herself, Aman emphasised the importance of her active participation in the biopic while insisting on the futility of the endeavour. “You may dismiss this as the ranting of an old lady, but in my opinion, it would be foolish to make a biopic about me without actually involving me,” she penned in a long note. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Zeenat Aman (@thezeenataman) Known for her candidness, Aman asserted that nobody knows her life better than herself and underscored the potential incompleteness and flaws in any research conducted without her input. She shared, “Quite frankly, nobody knows me like I do — so any research to this end would be incomplete, even flawed, without my input.” Expressing concern about potential misrepresentation, Aman conveyed her wariness of her life story being told by strangers, especially men, who might perpetuate stereotypes. She specifically addressed the challenge of shedding the ‘sex symbol’ tag, expressing apprehension that, in the hands of the wrong storyteller, her life's narrative could “devolve into crass voyeurism and conjecture”. In her social media post, Aman set the record straight, stating, “I am neither a seductress nor a damsel in distress. And I am certainly not a victim.” She highlighted the need for a sensitive director, a brave writer, an immaculate cast, and a producer with the ability to “show me the money” for a potential film or series on her life. Despite her initial reservations, the Qurbani actor acknowledged the possibility of a film or series in the future, expressing openness to the idea if it involves a great team. She urged the importance of a director, writer, cast, and producer who understands the nuances of her journey. According to Mid-Day, Ghosh, known for her recent role in Fire of Love: Red, expressed her immense gratitude and excitement for the opportunity to portray the legendary actor in the upcoming biopic. In a statement, Ghosh shared her enthusiasm, saying, “This is a humongous opportunity for me. I am really glad and fortunate that so much faith has been entrusted in me that they feel I can play such an iconic personality on-screen.” Acknowledging Aman's iconic status in Bollywood, Ghosh said, “Zeenat Aman is a legend and getting to essay her on-screen is one of the biggest opportunities any actor of today's time can get.” Directed by Rajeev Chaudhari, Shaque: The Doubt is poised to explore intriguing facets of Aman's life and career. With Ghosh at the helm of portraying the veteran actor, anticipation for the film's release continues to grow, amidst discussions surrounding Aman's concerns about the biopic's portrayal. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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