Pakistani actor and comedian Ahmad Ali Butt, known for his wit and humor, recently put his two cents on career women and housewives during a guest appearance on Masarrat Misbah's show. Coming from a family of exceptionally accomplished women, including his grandmother the renowned Noor Jehan and his mother Zil-e-Huma, both celebrated superstars, Ahmad shed light on the impact of these influential women on his upbringing. In a recent interview, Ahmad recounted growing up in a family where women outshone men both professionally and financially, stating, “There was no ‘scene’ for men in our family. I have always said this, I have been raised by very strong women. Even [our family’s] breadwinners, they made twice as much as men.” “Still, the women in my family never demeaned men,” the Chikkar actor underlined the importance of maintaining respect. “The men were well aware of their own insecurities.” Addressing a recurring dynamic in relationships when a woman earns more, Ahmad emphasised that it is her responsibility to ensure her partner feels secure. He remarked, “It’s on the woman on how secure she can make him feel.” Ahmad, who had grown up surrounded by these empowered women, further recalled how unusual it was to witness his friends' mothers being housewives. However, with time, he gained a profound appreciation for the role of housewives, acknowledging it as an even more significant job. He stated, “They are there 24/7, they don’t get time off.” Highlighting the emotional labour carried by women, the comedian stressed the enduring nature of a woman's responsibilities compared to a man's freedom of movement. “A man has an option to go from one place to another at whim. A woman never leaves behind her baggage, she always carries her emotions with her.” He credited his mother for imparting emotional intelligence, saying, “To realise those emotions, if I can understand those emotions, it’s only because of my mother. That she taught me what these emotions mean, what they are.” In a society so bent on conforming to traditional gender roles, Ahmad urged the importance of emotional openness for men. He maintained, “It’s very important to be emotionally open. In our society, we insist on men being men, which is fair, but a man should be emotionally aware.” As more women pursue careers, the conversation surrounding the imperatives of family has become paramount. Ahmad’s comments underscore the need to extend this dialogue beyond individual choices, highlighting the importance of collective efforts in creating workplaces and societies that empower women to thrive both in professional and familial capacities. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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