Pakistani actor Mahira Khan delighted her fans as she took a trip down memory lane, sharing never-before-seen photos from her walima reception with husband Salim Karim. Known for her elegance and grace, the actor graced her Instagram account on Saturday with breathtaking images in a stunning ensemble. In the captivating snapshots, Mahira adorned herself in a resplendent golden sari, intricately embellished with delicate embroidery, paired with a sleeveless blouse in a rich red hue, exuding sophistication and glamour. Adding a touch of drama to her ensemble, she draped a vibrant red shawl adorned with intricate thread work, enhancing her ethereal beauty. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mahira Khan (@mahirahkhan) With her golden-brown locks cascading freely, Mahira radiated charm and style. To complement her mesmerising outfit, the Superstar actor threw in traditional Indian jewelry, including a long multilayered chain necklace, a neck choker, and oversized dangle earrings, completing her enchanting look. In a playful caption accompanying the post, she expressed her gratitude to the renowned designer Bunto Kazmi for crafting her exquisite attire, declaring, “I didn’t just wear this sari… it’s all mine, made by my one and only Bunto Khala.” Injecting a hint of humour, Mahira cheekily addressed potential critics with a witty remark, stating, "P.S buri nazar waalaaay… tera mun.. (those with an evil eye, your face…)" leaving the sentence unfinished but effectively conveying her sentiment. Mahira tied the knot with her long-time beau Salim on October 1 last year. Taking to her Instagram, she shared a stunning image of her nestled close to her husband with the caption, "Bismillah. Shukar Alhamdullillah." In addition to this, the star shared a video, captioned, "My Shehzada, Salim." Referring to her husband as a prince, the video shows Mahira's brother, Hissan Khan, and son Azlan walking her down the wedding aisle. A much clearer view of events can be seen. Mahira can also be seen seated next to Azlan, beaming with happiness and glowing with joy. The video then shows the moment that went viral - Mahira walking towards Salim, sharing a loving embrace. The video then shows the duo dancing the night away as a married couple.
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