And here it is—the moment all Varun Dhawan fans have been waiting for. Varun and his wife, Natasha Dalal welcomed their baby girl on June 3. The couple had yet to make a social media announcement, but the baby's grandfather, David Dhawan, spilt the beans to the Hindustan Times, proudly confirming, “It’s a baby girl,” after he was seen leaving the hospital where he met the new mother and baby. Varun's visit to Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai on Monday afternoon sparked a flurry of speculation that Natasha had gone into labour and that the baby’s arrival was imminent. As the couple received a flood of well-wishes from fans, they finally shared the happy news on Instagram this morning with an adorable video announcing their baby girl's arrival and Bollywood was quick to extend their congratulations. The comments section of their post overflowed with warm wishes from industry friends and colleagues. Kareena Kapoor Khan wrote, “God bless all of you. Wonderful,” while Karan Johar expressed his excitement with, “So, so happy.” Abhishek Bachchan added, “What wonderful news. Congratulations,” and Sonali Bendre sweetly penned, “Congratulations Varun and Natasha! Sunshine and love to your little one.” Other well-wishers included big names like Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sonam Bajwa, Bipasha Basu, and fashion legend Manish Malhotra, all eager to congratulate the new parents. Though the new parents haven’t revealed their baby's name yet, referring to her as Baby Dhawan in the video, they have requested the media to respect their privacy during this special time. The couple had made their pregnancy announcement back in February with Varun sharing a monochrome picture of him kissing Natasha’s baby bump on Instagram, captioned, “We are pregnant. Need all your blessings and love.” Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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