Pakistani celebrity couple Ayeza Khan and Danish Taimoor recently marked the latter’s birthday with a heartwarming gesture. The beloved starlet known for her mesmerising performances in Mein and Jaan-e-Jahan took to her Instagram handle with a sweet note and video montage that left fans swooning. The celebrity, known for keeping her personal life relatively private, surprised followers with a lavish Instagram post dedicated to her husband, before his special day. The post featured a video to the tune of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect, showcasing the romantic duo’s various trips and moments together with their children. From casual strolls in the park to rides in amusement parks, the video compiles tender moments that encapsulate the depth of their connection. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ayeza Khan (@ayezakhan.ak) “Before we celebrate another birthday together, I just want to share the beautiful days we are spending together and the hundreds of thousands to come,” Ayeza penned with adoration. “We don’t share or post about our personal life on social media anymore because we are honestly very busy with work and raising our kids.” Expressing her desire to include her fans in her endearing moments with Danish, Ayeza shared, “However, sometimes I like to share our memories because our fans are also part of our journey, and they want to see how love grows with time. And this is just a beautiful video for my dear husband, whose birthday is tomorrow, but celebrations have begun now.” Earlier, Ayeza took to social media to share a behind-the-scenes glimpse of her work on set, shedding light on the challenges faced by actors in the entertainment industry. In a candid Instagram post, she offered a view into the less visible aspects of an actor's life, showcasing the unpredictability and risks that often accompany their performances. She posted a brief video capturing a precarious moment on set where she found herself amidst unexpected flames during a scene. As the director signalled the commencement of the shot with the command "Action!", Ayeza skillfully executed her part, flinging a large piece of flaming cloth across the set. However, the fiery act resulted in sparks being left behind on the floor. In an unforeseen turn, the bare-footed actor accidentally stepped on the remnants of the flames, eliciting a reaction as she carefully tiptoed away. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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