In a touching display of parenting, Pakistani actor Feroze Khan took to Instagram to wish his daughter Fatima an exciting happy birthday, captivating followers with an adorable picture of her. “Happy Birthday Queen” penned Feroze in the grid post’s caption with a cake emoji. The picture that charmed netizens showed Fatima sitting on a bed decorated with balloons and stuffed toys with a chocolate cake yet to be cut in front of her. Feroze’s ex-wife and Fatima’s mother Aliza Sultan also shared a post on her IG to mark the occasion. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Feroze Khan 🇵🇰 (@ferozekhan) “Happy birthday to our queen, our valentine,” wrote Aliza in the post’s caption with red heart emojis alongside a carousel of carefully curated images, showcasing moments from the little one's birthday bash. In one sweet candid, Fatima can be seen sharing cake with her mother as the latter smiles with joy. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Syeda Aliza Sultan (@alizasultankhan) The picture is followed by one of a casual party of kids with a chocolate cake and balloons while another shows a more ornate cake with Disney characters, hinting at multiple celebrations for the birthday girl. Last year, Aliza took the opportunity to dispel misconceptions surrounding ex-husband Feroze’s role as a father following their divorce. Responding to a direct question from an IG user regarding Feroze's financial contribution to their children's well-being, Aliza was quick to clarify that he is actively participating in fulfilling half of their children's financial needs. The revelation came amidst past reports that had hinted at Feroze's alleged financial constraints, suggesting an inability to meet his children's financial requirements after the divorce. Speculations arose last December when industry support rallied behind Aliza, who had come forth with allegations of domestic abuse against the actor. The industry's response seemingly affected Feroze's career, according to his lawyer. The former couple tied the knot in March 2018 and share two children, a boy and a girl. Aliza made a public announcement on her Instagram account on September 1, 2022, revealing her decision to separate from her ex-husband. In her statement, she described their four-year marriage as chaotic and disclosed experiencing "continuous physical and psychological violence, infidelity, blackmail, and degradation". Aliza expressed her desire to protect her children from growing up in a "toxic household." Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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