As the internet remains divided on Pakistani actor Saheeha Jabbar Khattak’s rebuttal to a social media user, actor-screenwriter Yasir Hussain has entered the picture to express support for the Bhool actor. Taking to Instagram Story with an article covering the encounter, Yasir commended Saheefa’s response and encouraged her to deliver a heavy blow to trolls, penning, “Jio sherni, chukh k rakh.” While many express admiration for their on-screen idols thanks to social media’s access, others, shielded by the anonymity of the screen, become overly bold. The recent clash between Saheefa and a disgruntled troll exemplifies this dynamic. Reacting to a picture of the actor with her husband, one user on Instagram disparagingly asked Saheefa to drop “Khattak” from her name and then do as she may please. Such instances of digital vitriol against celebrities and popular figures are commonplace. However, the model set the record straight that she would not be “bullied”. The actor shot back with a strongly worded message before clarifying that the man in the picture was her husband. “I will not let you bully or harass me here,” Saheefa's comment triggered a hot debate in the replies, with participants questioning the appropriateness of the model's tone. The actor married her husband, Khawaja Khizer Hussain, in December 2017. Earlier this year, the actor opened up about her mental health struggle, citing Khizer as her crucial support system. Taking to Instagram Stories, Saheefa expressed her difficulty in accepting her depressive state and shared the pain and grief she was experiencing. The actor acknowledged the lack of empathy in the world and emphasised that material possessions do not guarantee happiness. She stressed the importance of nourishing the soul with love, empathy, and self-care. While she acknowledged her personal battle, she expressed gratitude for the support she has received, particularly from her husband. In her IG Stories, she revealed, "Yes, I have not been myself lately which is very difficult for me to accept here. I may or may not know what has exactly happened but it is definitely something I cannot talk about without crying my lungs out. I am in pain, I am grieving, every day is a struggle for me. Yes, I am hopeless. Yes, I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is all dark and gloomy for me. Yes, every day I wish death upon myself." Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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