Known for her active engagement with her audience, Bollywood A-lister Alia Bhatt recently hosted a 'Sunday Fun Day - Ask Me Anything' session on Instagram, as reported by The Times of India. During the interactive session, the actor unveiled the secrets to her glitz and glam on-screen, ranging from her workout routine to her favourite foods. Responding to a fan query about her workout regime, the Gangubai Kathiawadi actor penned a long note detailing all the consistent effort that goes into staying in shape. "I work out six days a week! Unless I'm traveling or not well,” shared Alia before delving into the rigorous specifics of her routine. “I do strength training four times a week and yoga/pilates along with some steady-state cardio the rest of the week. But I am always mixing it up because you don't want your body to get too used to anything…Always a work-in-progress kinda girl," Alia added. When asked about the advice she would offer her younger self, she advocated for the importance of listening more and speaking less, drawing from the insights gained through her recent life experiences. Additionally, Alia shared her preferred holiday destination, 'Masai Mara,' and recommended the OTT drama miniseries The Railway Men, featuring R Madhavan, Kay Kay, Babil Khan and Divyenndu. The series is inspired by a true event related to the Bhopal Gas Leak. In November, amidst a wave of backlash following her candid remarks about husband Ranbir Kapoor on lipstick preferences, Alia took to Koffee With Karan 8 couch to address the controversy. Amidst the ongoing discussions, she defended Ranbir's character, asserting that he's the opposite of the labels being circulated. Addressing the turmoil surrounding her statements, Alia explained, "I have a very candid way of speaking...things just get picked out of context which happened recently. My team told me ‘ye kuch out of hand jaara hai’. There were serious articles written about how he was a toxic man." Expressing her concern, she added, "The only reason I feel bad is because he is genuinely the opposite, you cannot say anything about it." Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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