The pre-release event of the highly anticipated film Animal took an unexpected turn when Malla Reddy, the Minister of Labour and Employment of Telangana, made bold predictions about the Telugu film industry's imminent dominance over Bollywood and Hollywood. The event, attended by prominent stars including Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol, and Anil Kapoor, as well as industry heavyweights Mahesh Babu and director SS Rajamouli, witnessed a mix of praises and an awkward political declaration, as per Indian Express. In a video circulating on the internet, Malla proclaimed, "I want to say one thing. In the next five years, Bollywood and Hollywood will be ruled by our Telugu industry. After a year, everyone will have to move to Hyderabad because, you see, Mumbai has become outdated, and Bengaluru is stuck in traffic jams. In India, there is only one city, that’s Hyderabad." He continued to state, "Like our Telugu people, who are so smart, we have Rajamouli, the heartwarming Dil Raju, and our new talent Sandeep. Our Telugu people are very smart." The comments sparked mixed reactions online, with some finding them insulting and others questioning the industry's response to such claims. An X user shared the clip with the caption, "Just look at Ranbir Kapoor's face man. This is insulting. This Mahesh Babu who said that the Hindi industry can't afford him is laughing." Just look at #RanbirKapoor face man 💔. This is insulting . Ye #MaheshBabu jisne kaha tha ki “hindi industry can’t afford me” is laughing” . Bas ruk jaao . Back on public demand. Daily pelayi hogi. — अपना Bollywood🎥 (@Apna_Bollywood) November 27, 2023 Self-proclaimed "movie critic and trade analyst" Kamaal R Khan also shared the clip with the caption, "Sir, you are mistaken. Sir, your Telugu stars are cast as Bollywood villains. Enjoy, sir." Another X user who saw the clip shared, "Disgusting speech! For God's sake, Ranbir is your chief guest. He felt humiliated." While fans expressed discomfort with the politician's predictions, Mahesh Babu took the opportunity to express his admiration for the Bollywood superstar. He called Ranbir as the finest actor in India, declaring himself a huge fan during his speech at the event. Sir Aapko Kuch misunderstanding Huwa Hai. Sir Aapke Telugu Jaise Gende looking actors Bollywood films main Villain Hote Hain Hero Nahi. Enjoy sir. — KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 27, 2023 Disgusting speech! For God sake Ranbir is your chief guest… he felt humiliated — Bello king khan👑 (@Bellokingkhan) November 27, 2023 The Animal pre-release event provided a platform for stars and politicians alike to share their perspectives, creating a blend of entertainment and unexpected political commentary. As the film gears up for its release, the industry's dynamics continue to be a topic of speculation and discussion, adding an intriguing layer to the much-anticipated release of Animal. Have something to add? Share it in the comments
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