Deepika Padukone, the Bollywood sensation, known for her grace, talent and stunning beauty, is in the midst of her 'winner-takes-all' era. The 37-year-old star, clad in a longline oatmeal kurta over wide-leg pants, exudes an aura of vitality as she graces the cover of Vogue India. Her unwavering commitment to her craft is evident as she talks about her intense training regimen and journey so far with Megha Kapoor. "I've been working really hard in the gym, and it just feels so rewarding," she shares. As she prepares to jet off to Italy to shoot two songs for her upcoming film, Fighter, alongside Hrithik Roshan, her disciplined schedule keeps her firmly in control of her destiny. Reflecting on the past year and a half, she recalls her history-making global Louis Vuitton ambassadorship as the starting point of her incredible journey. From Louis Vuitton and Cartier ambassadorships to unveiling the FIFA World Cup trophy, gracing the TIME magazine cover, presenting at the 95th Academy Awards, and launching her self-care brand, 82°E, Padukone has achieved remarkable milestones while also starring in blockbuster films. However, she doesn't take any of it for granted as she reminisces about the moment it all sank in during the Cannes Film Festival. Indeed, the world's attention is now firmly fixed on India, and international brands are eager to capitalize on the burgeoning luxury market. Padukone, an ardent advocate for authenticity, believes it's about time. According to Padukone, the realization has been a long time coming. "India's presence has always been here; it's just taken the world a considerable amount of time to recognize our influence. We've remained true to our authentic selves." Rather than viewing it as a pivotal moment, she perceives it as the commencement of something greater. "This isn't a fleeting occurrence. It's not an overnight creation. What adds significance to the current acknowledgment of India as a global player is its enduring nature." When asked if she plans to relocate for her global impact, Padukone unequivocally states that India is her home. She recalls an offer early in her modeling career to move overseas, but her heart and soul were rooted in India. "India is home," she affirms. Throughout her illustrious career, Padukone's determination to forge her own path has been a recurring theme. Her debut film, Om Shanti Om, catapulted her into the spotlight at a young age and exposed her to an industry marked by entrenched biases. But how did a young individual, not part of a film dynasty, navigate the insecurities surrounding an outsider? "I didn't really have a choice," she responds, punctuating her words with one of her trademark contemplative pauses. "Being an outsider 15 or 20 years ago left you with no alternative. For anyone attempting to establish themselves in a field different from their family background, it's an uphill battle. The discussion on issues like nepotism is a recent trend; it existed then, it exists now, and it will persist. That was my reality." She continues in a matter-of-fact tone, "During that period, I had a multitude of challenges, not just professionally but also personally. As a teenager relocating to a new city, I had no family or friends in this unfamiliar industry. I had to figure out meals (pre-Swiggy or Zomato era, mind you), transportation, and lug my own bags around. It never felt like a burden back then. Exhausted after late-night work, I'd carry my suitcase across town in a cab, sometimes dozing off during the journey home. My mother would worry about my safety. Looking back at that journey now, I think, 'Not bad, girl! You did this, and you did it on your own.' But at that moment, there was no time for reflection." "Are you a workaholic?" the host inquired, the weight of her accomplishments and unwavering sense of purpose at the forefront of my thoughts. "Yes," she confidently replied. "I'm a workaholic, but I've reached that gratifying phase where I've become a Monday-to-Friday workaholic, achieving a sense of balance." Padukone's public journey with mental health has led her to consciously prioritize and maintain this equilibrium. "I was diagnosed with depression in 2014. When that happens, you realize that tending to your mental health is also a form of work. Part of that daily effort is seeking balance. I've discovered a point where I proudly identify as a workaholic, yet not the kind that leads to burnout, exhaustion, or teetering on the brink of a breakdown." She stood in solidarity with students at Jawaharlal Nehru University, even when a bounty was placed on her head after the release of Padmaavat. Her willingness to express her views, take ownership of her mistakes, and engage in difficult conversations is a testament to her courage. "I love being at home, pottering around and decluttering. I've discovered that this is a form of decluttering for my mind as well," she shares. Her revelation aligns seamlessly with the serene tone of her home office, extending to her outfit and the cheerful disposition of her staff working outside—an intriguing contrast to the typical frenetic activity surrounding Bollywood celebrities. As for indulgences, she confesses, "Food brings me comfort. I derive immense joy from eating. My husband and I share a love for good food." Amidst the bustling schedules of her Bollywood career and that of her husband’s, Ranveer Singh, Deepika also discussed the challenges of carving out time for each other. She emphasized the importance of prioritizing their relationship, stating, "Spending time with my husband is very important to me. You have to make the time… I have to say both he and I make the effort. It cannot be one-sided. We have to schedule it." In navigating their professions, where extended travel and conflicting work hours are common, she acknowledged the struggle of being in the same city yet lacking quality time together. Deepika underscored that it's not about the quantity but the quality of their time. Expressing their dual preferences, she added, "We love it when it’s just the two of us, but we also love spending time with our families." On the topic of their shared interests, particularly dancing, Deepika shared, "I love dancing. Sometimes, on the weekends, my husband and I play music in the living room and stay up dancing until 4 am, showing off our playlists to each other." Interestingly, this mirrors her earlier mention of the same activity on a recent Koffee With Karan episode that aired last month. In her own words, Deepika encapsulates her journey and her unwavering spirit: "I don't think I have a problem with it. I surround myself with people who don't care about the fame. I'm a daughter, I'm a wife, I'm a sister, I'm a daughter-in-law. When I step out of that world, then I'm famous. What I like about fame is the fact that you're able to bring about change, you're able to touch and influence people's lives. For me, that is the exciting part. I don't mind being famous for all those reasons." In a world that often elevates the superficial, Deepika Padukone is a refreshing change. Deepika Padukone, a rebel at heart, is here to stay. Have something to add to the story? Share in the comments below.
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