Indian actor and model Sahil Khan has announced that his wife, Milena Alexander, has embraced Islam. Sharing the news on social media, Khan expressed gratitude to God and sought divine blessings for their new spiritual journey. Khan, known for his work in Bollywood, shared a series of pictures with his wife, celebrating the significant milestone. “All praise to God,” he wrote in his caption, adding prayers for forgiveness and acceptance of their worship. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sahil Khan (@sahilkhan) Fans congratulated the couple on the spiritual transformation, showering them with well-wishes and prayers for their future. In the images, social media users also noticed a striking limited-edition luxury watch on Khan’s wrist, reportedly valued at $0.4 million. The actor later shared a close-up of the timepiece in a separate post, calling it his “dream watch.” Khan and Alexander, who reside in Dubai, often share glimpses of their life on social media, where their announcements frequently draw widespread attention.
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