Students from Osmania University have reportedly attacked the residence of renowned Telugu actor Allu Arjun on Sunday evening, demanding a compensation of INR 10 million for the family of a woman who died during a stampede at the screening of the film Pushpa 2. The attackers tried to forcefully enter Allu Arjun's home, breaking flower pots and throwing tomatoes in the compound. The incident is said to have occurred shortly after the actor’s appeal on social media, where he urged his fans to express their emotions responsibly, avoiding any form of disrespect or profanity. The actor had already announced a compensation of INR 2.5 million for the deceased woman’s family and promised to cover the medical expenses of the injured in the incident, which took place at the Sandhya Theatre during the Pushpa 2 premiere. Police quickly arrived at the scene and arrested eight individuals involved in the attack. Initial investigations suggest that the attackers may be affiliated with the Osmania University Joint Action Committee. Local witnesses reported that the protesters were carrying banners and chanting slogans demanding justice for the woman who died.
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