Bollywood actors Sidharth Malhotra and Janhvi Kapoor are set to star together in a romantic film titled Param Sundari. The film, produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films, was officially announced on Instagram through a teaser video released on Tuesday. Directed by Tushar Jalota, best known for Dasvi, the film will explore a cross-cultural love story set in Kerala, a state renowned for its picturesque backwaters and beaches. The story follows a romance between a North Indian boy, Param (played by Sidharth Malhotra), and a South Indian girl, Sundari (Janhvi Kapoor). The film promises to highlight the cultural differences between the two characters, with Param embodying the "swag" of the North, while Sundari exudes the grace and charm of the South. The first look of the film showcases Sidharth in a hunky avatar and Janhvi as a graceful South Indian. Param Sundari marks the first collaboration between Sidharth and Janhvi, two popular young actors in the industry. Sidharth was last seen in the action-packed Yodha (2024), while Janhvi starred in the much-anticipated Devara: Part 1. The movie’s backdrop in Kerala plays a significant role in setting the mood of the film, with its lush greenery and vibrant cultural influences. According to sources, the film will be a mix of romance, chaos, laughter, and unexpected twists, providing a light-hearted yet heartfelt experience for viewers. The teaser description promises that the two worlds of Param and Sundari will collide in a way that sparks "fireworks" in their love story. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Maddock Films (@maddockfilms) While cross-cultural romances have been explored in Bollywood, Param Sundari adds a unique twist by exploring the cultural fusion between North and South India. Films such as Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani (2023) have also depicted cross-cultural love stories, where differences lead to deeper understanding and love. Param Sundari is expected to follow this trend while offering a refreshing perspective on the subject. Produced by Maddock Films, the film is scheduled to release in theatres on July 25, 2025. The combination of scenic locales, star power, and a unique cultural blend promises to make Param Sundari a highly anticipated romantic drama for the upcoming year.
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