Actor Feroze Khan is ready to take his passion for boxing beyond the reel and into reality. Earlier this year, Khan portrayed a boxer in the drama Akhara, and now he's set to lace up his gloves for an actual match. The actor broke the news on his Instagram Story on Wednesday, sharing a video with fans. "I'm into a new game plan, and it's going to be a boxing career," he announced. "My hope is that it pushes people to put work into training and getting fit, and it opens the way for all the athletes out there who are waiting for a shot. It's going to be a boxing match. I'm as excited as the opponent who has called me out." Khan revealed that the fight is scheduled for February and promised fans more updates in the lead-up to the event. He exuded confidence and excitement, saying, "I've signed the contract. I'll keep dropping more updates about it." The excitement didn't stop there. Feroze also unveiled his opponent: Rahim Pardesi, a UAE based content creator and comedian, who had called him out for a match. Sharing a direct message for Pardesi, Khan said, "Hi Rahim, this is Feroze Khan. I've come across your call-out video, and all I'm going to say is all my ring fellows are aware of me and know how I am in the ring," said Khan confidently. "It's really cute that you're paying me down instead of playing all hard solid." He ended his video with, "I'm really quick, mate, so you'll have to brush up your skills before you meet me in the ring." While some fans are eager to see this clash unfold, others are intrigued by Khan's pivot from acting to professional sports. Back in 2021, the Khuda Aur Mohabbat actor previously expressed his desire to pursue the sport professionally in an interview with a local channel. "When I told my friends about pursuing acting, they laughed it off. They said there are so many people who dream of the same, most don't end up making it big. Similarly, when I told them I wish to become a boxer, I received a very similar response. That's how I know it's a win."
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