Popular actress Hiba Bukhari, who reigns over the Pakistani drama industry, surprised everyone with a unique question from a female fan. Recently, Hiba Bukhari appeared as a guest on a comedy program on a private TV channel. A short video clip of the program is going viral on social media, in which she revealed which actor she thinks she looks good with. A fan in the audience asked Hiba Bukhari which male actor she feels comfortable working with. Laughing at the question, Hiba Bukhari responded, 'Comfortable with a man?' The fan then corrected her question to ask which actor she enjoys working with and feels she looks good with. In response, Hiba Bukhari said that acting itself is an art, and actors have to work with everyone. The fan, after hearing this, said that Hiba looks good with every actor. The actress thanked her and mentioned that she looks best with her husband. Hiba Bukhari remarked playfully about her husband, saying she doesn't like seeing any other woman with him. Hiba Bukhari's husband, Arez Ahmed, is also an actor and has worked in several dramas alongside his wife. Hiba Bukhari married fellow actor Arez Ahmed in 2022. Recently, TV host Nadia Khan revealed that Hiba Bukhari is pregnant.
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