The entertainment industry is abuzz with speculation that Hamza Sohail is gearing up to star in an upcoming Netflix original, which could mark his debut on the global streaming platform. The young star is reportedly gearing up for a major role in a romantic comedy that he’s not just starring in, but also writing. The project, rumoured to begin filming in Canada in 2025, promises a mix of humour, heart, and romance. With the possibility of working alongside an Indian actress, fans are already drawing comparisons to Fawad Khan’s upcoming collaboration with Vaani Kapoor, further fueling anticipation. This isn’t Hamza’s first foray into the world of OTT platforms. The actor, son of veteran comedian Sohail Ahmed, previously impressed audiences with his role in Zee5’s Mrs. & Mr. Shameem. Now, with Netflix India potentially backing his next project, expectations are soaring. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Galaxy Lollywood (@galaxylollywood) While official details about the female lead and the crew remain under wraps, the news has already sparked excitement among fans and industry insiders alike. Hamza’s last on-screen appearance was in the hit drama Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet, where he starred opposite Iqra Aziz.
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