Sanjay Dutt, famously known worldwide for his role as 'Munna Bhai,' is celebrating his 65th birthday today, 29 July, with details of his assets being revealed. Known as Sanju Baba, Sanjay Dutt has delivered numerous super-hit films throughout his career, earning a reputation as one of Bollywood's top actors. Despite facing many challenges, including stints in jail and a battle with cancer, Dutt has confronted every obstacle head-on and emerged successful. To mark his birthday, Indian media have reported on Dutt's total assets, revealing his luxurious lifestyle. His net worth is estimated to be approximately $36 million, or Indian rupees (INR) 2.95 billion. He lives with his family in a large apartment in Mumbai's upscale Pali Hill area. In addition to his real estate, Sanjay Dutt owns a collection of luxury cars, including a Rolls-Royce Ghost, Ferrari 599 GTB, Audi Q7, and BMW 7 Series. He also has a private yacht, which he uses for leisure trips with friends and family. Read also: Will Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt share screen space after 12 years? Dutt has a penchant for luxury watches from brands like Rolex, Hublot, and Cartier, often seen wearing a Rolex GMT Master II valued at INR 280,000. As an avid motorcycle enthusiast, he owns a custom Harley Davidson. Dutt launched his first production house, Sanjay Dutt Productions Private Limited, in 2007. In February 2022, he founded another production company, Three Dimension Motion Pictures, with the aim of reviving the golden era of heroism in Bollywood. Even at 65, Dutt remains a favourite among audiences of all ages, thanks to his distinctive personality and powerful acting.
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