Priyanka Chopra, no stranger to a hectic lifestyle, recently shared a vulnerable moment with her fans, revealing the toll her whirlwind schedule has taken. Fresh from wrapping up the action-comedy "Heads of State" with Idris Elba and John Cena, the global star immediately flew to Australia to film "The Bluff." The actress has been open about the physically demanding role, often sharing glimpses of her bruised state on social media. Despite her packed filming schedule, Priyanka made a quick trip to India to celebrate the lavish wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant with her husband, Nick Jonas. The couple even delivered a high-energy performance of “Desi Girl” at the event. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Patty Cardona (@jerryxmimi) However, the relentless pace of work, travel, and events appears to have caught up with the actor. On Thursday, Priyanka took to Instagram to share a video of herself looking fatigued after a long day of shooting. In the video, she was seated in a car with damp hair, suggesting she had just stepped out of the shower. Looking tired, she rubbed her face and offered a soft smile, her eyes appearing watery. She captioned the video, “Just feeling it today #staymotivated.” Fans quickly expressed their concerns. One commented, “She works so much. Girl needs a break after this movie shoot. I hope she can take some time before Citadel starts.” Another wrote, “You’re strong, keep it up.” Nick Jonas also showed his support with a throwback Instagram post captioned, “Damn.”
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