Fawad Khan has expressed regret to his Indian fans for the extended wait to see him onscreen, as he returns with the new series 'Barzakh.' The show reunites him with his 'Zindagi Gulzar Hai' co-star, Sanam Saeed. Khan, a beloved actor in both India and Pakistan, last appeared in a brief role in 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' in 2016. His absence left fans eagerly awaiting his return. In a recent interview, Khan apologised, saying, "I have always been very thankful to fans who have waited for me and I apologise for making them wait for so long. But it was not in my hands." Read: Emotionally disturbing on many levels: Fawad Khan talks ‘Barzakh’ He added, "I am a firm believer that everything has its own time. You say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but we also have another saying, 'Aankh Ojhal, Pahaad Ojhal' (out of sight, out of mind). This also happens." Promising more content, Khan stated, "To be able to hold on to your position of being a renowned actor has become more difficult, especially in the age of social media. There are performers and talented people everywhere. What next? I can only say that the coming time is going to be very interesting. If you are waiting for my work, there is a lot that’s going to come out next year. I feel that everything should happen at its own pace and in a good environment. Hopefully, 2025 will have a lot more content coming from my end." Khan's previous work in India includes films like 'Khubsurat' and 'Kapoor & Sons.'
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