Alia Bhatt was the undisputed showstopper at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's sangeet, rocking an ensemble by Pakistani designer Faraz Manan. Taking to Instagram, Alia shared snaps from the star-studded evening that left everyone dazzled. The Heart of Stone star's outfit was a sartorial fairy tale come to life. She made her grand entrance in a black velvet lehenga with a sweetheart neckline and a cropped shirt that oozed sophistication with its delicate straps. The blouse was pure magic, thanks to its regal golden embroidery that shimmered under the lights. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Alia Bhatt 💛 (@aliaabhatt) Clinging perfectly to her petite frame, Alia’s lehenga was a flowing masterpiece of golden embroidery, gracefully kissing the floor. She added a dash of drama with a sheer black dupatta draped oh-so-casually over her shoulder. Her statement silver danglers sparkled just as brightly as her star power. And let's talk makeup – Alia’s look was all about understated drama with soft, smokey eyes that added a touch of mystery. Her wavy short hair framed her face, blending traditional elegance with modern chic. Alia didn’t just attend the sangeet; she owned it, reminding everyone why she's a bona fide fashion icon. At a previous event, Alia’s hubby and Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor was the one turning heads in a custom tuxedo by Faraz Manan. The pictures were posted to the fashion label’s Instagram grid in which Ranbir can be seen escorting Alia with a suave demeanour, like a perfect gentleman in Manan’s tuxedo. The jacket, a rich burgundy velvet, features a subtle sheen that adds a layer of opulence. The colour choice is bold yet refined, offering a refreshing departure from traditional black-tie attire. With the jacket’s cut tailored to perfection, the ensemble highlights Ranbir's athletic frame, complemented by structured shoulders and a slim fit — no wonder, Faraz Manan is the couple’s go-to couturier. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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