Pakistani actor Imran Abbas recently took to Instagram to share a short, but sweet tribute to legendary Indian singer Asha Bhosle, expressing his deep admiration and respect for the iconic artist. The actor posted a picture of himself embracing the beloved singer and penned a moving message that garnered attention from fans and followers across both nations. In his Instagram post, Abbas began with a profound acknowledgment of Bhosle’s unparalleled legacy: "Asha Bhosle ji! There was, there is and there will be no one like you." Abbas continued by sharing a personal connection to Bhosle’s music, stating, "I grew up listening to your ultimate youthful voice and have had the privilege to spend time and be in touch with you." He, like many others, felt the widespread impact of her timeless melodies that resonate with multiple generations and cross cultural – and geographical - boundaries. The Khuda Aur Mohabbat star also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to know Bhosle personally: "I have the privilege to have spent time and be in touch with you." Concluding his message, Abbas wished the singer health, "I would always pray for your healthy life. Oodles of love, always." Her first song came when she was just 10 years old. Eighty years on, Bhosle is 90 and showing no signs of slowing down. She revealed that she can still belt out 18 numbers in one go even today. And that’s just what she did at her March 9 concert to celebrate her 90th birthday. “If I live more, I will go almost everywhere in Maharashtra and do shows. The name of my show is Woh Phir Nahin Aati Hai. I will also not come again… You should never regret that you haven’t seen that person. People say we did not see Kishore Kumar and other singers (perform). But now you can say we have seen Asha Bhosle,” the veteran singer said at a press conference prior to the concert. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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