Renowned Pakistani actor and producer Nabeel Zafar, famous for his role in Bulbulay, has spoken out against the screening of Indian films in Pakistani cinemas. In a recent podcast, Zafar discussed the issue, expressing his opposition to Indian content being shown in Pakistan. Zafar explained that cinema owners in Pakistan prefer to screen Indian films due to their profitability. "Cinema owners want to screen Indian films because they drive business, but I oppose the broadcasting of Indian content in our country," he said. The actor argued that if India does not purchase Pakistani dramas and films, there is no reason for Pakistan to screen Indian movies. "I am not against Indian films or dramas, but my point is that when India does not buy our content, why should we show their films in our cinemas?" Zafar questioned. Highlighting the disparity between the two countries, Zafar noted, "India has a population of 1.5 billion, while ours is just 250 million. At the very least, they should buy our content proportionally." Reflecting on past incidents, Zafar mentioned, "We have seen how our actors had to flee India and return to Pakistan. We are much better than India in this regard." Zafar proposed a reciprocal arrangement for film screenings. "If Indian films are to be shown in Pakistani cinemas, then Indian cinemas should also screen Pakistani films, whether they are hits or flops," he asserted. He added that India's entertainment industry does not even purchase Pakistani dramas.
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