Pakistan's animation industry is set to make a splash this summer with the much-anticipated release of The Glassworker, a hand-drawn animated feature film by Mano Animation Studios. Helmed by acclaimed artist Usman Riaz, the studio marks a significant milestone as the country's first dedicated hand-drawn animation studio. In an exciting development, Mandviwalla Entertainment, which recently distributed the blockbuster The Legend of Maula Jatt, has signed on as the Pakistani distributor for The Glassworker. This partnership promises to bring the enchanting tale to theatres across Pakistan, offering audiences a cinematic experience unlike any other. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mano Animation Studios (@manoanimationstudios) The Glassworker has already garnered international attention, with a special screening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in 2023. Usman, who had spoken to Instep, expressed his gratitude for the honour of being selected among a lineup dominated by live-action films. The film's producers represented the project at Cannes, showcasing exclusive footage and captivating industry insiders with the film's unique charm. Reflecting on the film's themes and inspiration, Usman Riaz shared with Variety, "The Glassworker is a glimpse into how we grew up in Pakistan. It can be seen in the conflicts, the local legends, the characters’ clothing, the food they eat, and the colonial architecture." The overall vision captures the essence of the nation's heritage while presenting a captivating narrative that transcends borders. With its hand-drawn animation and heartfelt storytelling, The Glassworker promises to captivate audiences of all ages. As Pakistan's animation industry continues to gain momentum, the release of this debut feature marks a significant step forward, showcasing the country's creative talent on a global stage. Have something to add? Share it in the comments
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