In a heartwarming celebration of love, Rakhi Sawant's ex-husband, Adil Khan Durrani, exchanged vows with Bigg Boss 12 contestant Somi Khan on March 3. Adil, sharing their special moments on Instagram, unveiled a series of pictures capturing the essence of their nuptials. The wedding album, curated by Adil, commenced with a captivating snapshot of the newlyweds holding a frame with their nikah nama. Sharing a heartfelt smile, the radiant Somi dazzled in a bright red embellished lehenga, while the groom complemented her elegance in a white embroidered sherwani. The images also provided a glimpse into the couple's nikah ceremony, showcasing the joyous union. Accompanying the candid carousel post, Adil penned a heartfelt note expressing gratitude, stating, “We are overjoyed to announce that by the grace of Allah, we have solemnised our Nikkah in a simple and beautiful ceremony. Alhamdulillah, we are thankful for this blessing and we appreciate our families and friends for their love and support.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Adil Khan Durrani (@iamadilkhandurrani) “We are eager to begin our new journey together as husband and wife. Please remember us in your prayers for a blessed married life. JazakAllah Khair. Adil Khan Durrani-Somi Adil Khan. 03.03.2024,” he capped the note with their wedding date. The announcement received warm wishes and blessings from well-wishers, including Somi's sister Saba Khan, who commented, “My family,” accompanied by white heart emoticons. Former Bigg Boss 16 contestant Archana Gautam also extended her congratulations, writing, “Wow congratulations.” In January 2023, Rakhi disclosed her marriage to Adil Khan Durrani. The actor shared a series of pictures on Instagram, including their marriage certificate, revealing that the couple had tied the knot on May 29, 2022. Alongside the pictures, Rakhi expressed her happiness, saying, “Finally, I'm happy, so excited and got married. My love is forever unconditional love for you Adil.” Last year in August, Adil held a press conference amid his highly publicised divorce from Rakhi. Opening a Pandora's box of allegations, he addressed the accusations made against him by the Main Hoon Na star, who had previously filed an FIR accusing him of physical assault, forced conversion to Islam, and financial malfeasance, including allegations of theft of jewelry. During the press conference, Adil, who identified himself as a simple businessman from Mysore, shed light on the events that led to the unraveling of his marriage with Rakhi. He disclosed, “After Rakhi returned from London, I found out that she was in contact with Ritesh. I would see him texting and calling her. I overheard Ritesh saying to Rakhi, ‘The 7 days we spent in the UK were wonderful…’ Then Rakhi went to Bigg Boss Marathi.” Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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