In a surprising turn of events, Bollywood actors Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth Suryanarayan have finally confirmed their engagement after months of speculation surrounding their relationship status. The news broke out on Wednesday when reports surfaced suggesting that the couple had secretly tied the knot in an intimate ceremony. However, both Aditi and Siddharth remained tight-lipped about the rumours, leaving fans and media in a frenzy of speculation. On Thursday, Aditi put an end to the swirling rumours and took to her Instagram account to share a heartwarming post confirming their engagement. Sharing a heartfelt photo of the couple, she captioned it, "He said yes! Engaged." Siddharth echoed her sentiments by sharing the same picture on his own Instagram handle, writing, "She said yes! Engaged." View this post on Instagram A post shared by Aditi Rao Hydari (@aditiraohydari) Interestingly, the location tagged in their engagement photos places them at Srirangapuram, Near Wanaparthy, which is also where reports of their rumoured wedding initially emerged, as per The Indian Express. This coincidence only added fuel to the fire of speculation surrounding their relationship. Aditi and Siddharth's love story reportedly began during the filming of their 2021 film, Maha Samudram. Despite their blossoming romance, the couple had maintained a low-key presence on social media and refrained from publicly addressing the swirling rumors about their relationship status. However, fans were quick to pick up on subtle hints, including a dance video in February 2023, which seemed to confirm their romantic involvement. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Siddharth (@worldofsiddharth) Both Aditi and Siddharth have been vocal about their desire to keep their personal lives private. In a 2023 interview with India Today, Aditi emphasised the sanctity of her personal life, stating, "Anything that is in my personal very sacrosanct to me. It's not meant for general consumption." Siddharth echoed similar sentiments in a previous interview with The Indian Express, insisting that his focus remains solely on his work as an actor. Prior to their engagement, Aditi was married to actor Satyadeep Mishra, while Siddharth was married to a woman named Meghna, with their marriage lasting for four years. However, the couple's past relationships seem to have no bearing on their newfound happiness as they embark on this new chapter together. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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