In a display of love and celebration, Pakistani actor Sana Javed recently took to her Instagram profile to share joyous moments with her new husband, cricketer Shoaib Malik. The couple, who tied the knot in a private ceremony, radiated happiness in the shared images, showcasing their blissful union. The Instagram post featured a snapshot of the duo, with Shoaib sporting a puffer jacket and Sana dressed in grey. The couple's smiles spoke volumes, reflecting the joy of their new journey together. Using emojis that conveyed deep affection, Sana's caption was a testament to the love and pride she felt for her husband. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sana Shoaib Malik (@sanajaved.official) In addition to the main post, Sana also treated her followers to a series of images from the cricket match on her Instagram Story. The glimpses offered a behind-the-scenes look at their shared experiences, highlighting the supportive role Sana has begun to play in her husband's professional life. This public display of affection comes after news of the duo's marriage broke the internet. The sudden announcement, paired with the lack of clarity over whether the duo had left their previous partners, had the audience in absolute shambles. People have since been following the couple's journey - eagle-eyed and keen as rare updates are shared. Previously, Sana also took to her IG Story to celebrate Shoaib's achievements, making it known that she was proud of her husband. Previously, Shoaib and Sana took to their social media platforms to share the news of their sudden marriage, unveiling two enchanting snapshots from their wedding festivities. The caption accompanying the post gracefully expressed gratitude, stating, "Alhamdulillah," followed by the poignant verse, "And We created you in pairs." The images capture the couple in a warm embrace, adorned in harmoniously coordinated ensembles. The sudden and unforeseen announcement took over the public arena, rapidly spreading across various social media channels. Shoaib, previously wed to former tennis star Sania Mirza, and Sana, who was married to singer Umair Jaswal, surprised their fans with the unexpected revelation on a tranquil Saturday morning. The abrupt nature of this disclosure has understandably left many in awe, struggling to assimilate this surprising turn of events. Have something to add? Share it in the comments
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