In a touching gesture of celebration and support, Pakistani actor and model Iffat Omar took to the microblogging platform X (formerly Twitter) to extend her heartfelt congratulations to Maryam Nawaz Sharif on becoming the first woman to become the Chief Minister of Punjab. In a quote reaction to a video capturing Maryam's oath-taking ceremony, Iffat penned a sentimental note, “This is an emotional moment. I am so happy for you Maryam Nawaz Sharif sahiba for being the first woman to be the CM of Punjab.” The actor capped her message with a cordial wish, “May you be the best and I am sure you will be. Congratulations.” This is an emotional moment ❤️I am so happy for you @MaryamNSharif sahiba for being first woman to be CM of Punjab👍May you be the best and I am sure you will be.Congratulations 🔥 — Iffat Omar Official (@OmarIffat) February 23, 2024 Iffat, who recently wowed fans on the silver screen with her supporting character in Taxali Gate, has garnered attention over the years for her forthright opinions on Pakistani politics and feminism. Last year, the celebrity appeared as a guest on comedian Shehzad Ghias Shaikh’s podcast during which she talked about her experience of working in the media industry and offered a candid commentary on stereotypes rooted in linguistic differences. In conversation with Shehzad, Iffat contended that Urdu as a language is and always has been considered superior to all the other languages spoken in Pakistan. The Berukhi actor shared her experience of working as an actor in Karachi and interacting with certain ‘elitist crowd(s)’ who not only put her down for her lack of fluency in English but also looked down on her for her Punjabi accent and criticised her Urdu-speaking skills on set. “The elitist crowd would look down upon you and say, ‘This person doesn’t know English’. We were made to feel complexed about our English-speaking skills, and then after that, we were made to feel complexed about our Urdu as well,” claimed Iffat on the topic of how professionals in the media industry tended to treat people as less than if their spoken English and Urdu was not good. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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