Renowned singer Pankaj Udhas passed away at the age of 72. His team confirmed the news, stating, "Pankaj Sir was suffering from prolonged illness and wasn't keeping well for the last few days. He died this morning around 11 am at Breach Candy hospital," as reported by India Today. His daughter, Nayaab Udhas, shared a statement expressing the family's sorrow, "With a very heavy heart, we are saddened to inform you of the sad demise of Padmashri Pankaj Udhas on 26th February 2024 due to a prolonged illness. Udhas family (sic)." Udhas, an esteemed Indian ghazal singer, enchanted audiences with his soulful renditions throughout his illustrious career. Born on May 17, 1951, in Gujarat, the crooner embarked on his musical journey at a young age, gaining prominence in the 1980s and 1990s. In addition to his musical prowess, Udhas was recognized for his philanthropic initiatives, actively supporting charitable causes and social welfare projects. Notably, his 1989 album Nabeel became a best-seller, and the first copy was auctioned for Rs 1 lakh, with the proceeds donated to the Cancer Patients Aid Association. The ghazal maestro also dedicated himself to the Parents Thalassemia Unit. Throughout his career, Pankaj Udhas released numerous albums and singles, many of which have attained timeless classic status. Hits like Chitthi Aayi Hai, Aur Ahista, and Jeeye To Jeeye Kaise continue to resonate across generations. Pankaj Udhas' contributions to music and humanitarian endeavours have left an indelible mark on Indian culture. His timeless melodies and meaningful lyrics serve as a source of inspiration, ensuring that his legacy lives on in the hearts of audiences worldwide. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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