In the wake of Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik's surprise wedding to Pakistani actor Sana Javed, the internet has erupted with mixed reactions. Shoaib, previously married to Indian former tennis star Sania Mirza, and Sana, who was married to singer Umair Jaswal, made the announcement abruptly on a Saturday morning, leaving fans and followers astonished. While Sania's fans aren't taking the news well, the newlyweds are receiving heartfelt congratulations from fellow celebrities. Big names from showbiz have flocked to Sana and Shoaib’s collaborative post on Insta, displaying the couple’s wedding day photo and announcing the occasion in the caption. Actors Kinza Hashmi and Minal Khan were joined by YouTuber Shahveer Jafry in the post’s replies section, extending congratulations to the couple. Television producer Sana Shahnawaz also extended her regards to Shoaib and Sana with a prayer, “Always stay happy and blessed,” followed by red heart and thumbs-up emojis. Celebrity mother and daughter, Saba and Sadia Faisal, expressed their wishes in the replies as well, with the latter exclaiming, “So, so happy for you.” Among those celebrating Shoaib and Sana’s initiation into a new phase of life were actors Sunita Marshall, Azfar Rehman, Syeda Tuba, Sonya Hussyn and host Shaista Lodhi. Activist and social worker Muniba Mazari congratulated the couple and sent “lots of love and prayers” their way. Actor-model Aijaz Aslam offered his compliments twice, in the replies as well as sharing the post on his Insta Story with a “Mashallah.” Actors Mehreen Syed, Nadia Hussain and model Sadaf Kanwal also relayed their felicitations. In an elaborate gesture of support, veteran actor Bushra Ansari took to Instagram with a video message addressing the stir caused by Sana and Shoaib’s marriage. The actor slammed news outlets contacting her incessantly to get her comments on the newlyweds. “Since this morning, the country has been abuzz with the same news, Sana Javed married Shoaib Malik,” Bushra began relaying her frustration. “I have been receiving calls from everyone, including channels…if you have my or any artist’s number, we are compelled to attend your calls, we are your servants,” the actor remarked sarcastically. Bushra furthered on, “I find it irritating when something happens in someone else’s life and I am approached for comments. Is Shoaib Malik my classmate from school? Is Sana Javed my playmate from childhood? Am I their family? Even that aside, why would I indulge your sensationalist questions?” The celebrity emphasised the lack of etiquette that prompts such reactions. “Do you people have any fear of god left in you? They (Sana and Shoaib) got married, good for them, I hope they stay happy together,” Bushra said, slamming media outlets for prying into people’s private affairs. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bushra Bashir (@ansari.bushra) Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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