Hitting television screens in 2019, Meray Paas Tum Ho aired to a grand reception and quickly amassed dedicated fans for its portrayal of love and betrayal. Penned by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar and directed by Nadeem Baig, the drama series while favourably received, also drew flak from some viewers who questioned its depiction of women. Recently, a newfound admirer has emerged to commend Qamar's storytelling and the performances delivered by the ensemble cast, featuring the likes of Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan, and Adnan Siddiqui. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Rohit Jaiswal, an esteemed Indian critic, declared Meray Paas Tum Ho the best media content to come in recent years. In the past five years the best content that I have seen is #MerayPaasTumHo Absolutely no other content has been able to surpass the excellence of this gem. The story , screenplay, dialogues are par excellence. The performances are extraordinary and the OST sung by… pic.twitter.com/b3gikQ5QNT — Rohit Jaiswal (@rohitjswl01) December 24, 2023 “In the past five years, the best content that I have seen is Meray Paas Tum Ho,” remarked Rohit in a long post. “Absolutely no other content has been able to surpass the excellence of this gem. The story, screenplay and dialogues are par excellence. The performances are extraordinary and the OST sung by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan is phenomenal,” he added. Offering his audience a brief description of the drama, Rohit introduced, “Starring Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan and Adnan Siddiqui, this drama tells the emotionally gutting tale of intense love and betrayal.” The critic furthered his praise, remarking, “Humayun Saeed as Danish does such a wonderful job that every viewer can feel his pain and emotion as though they are themselves living Danish’s life.” “If you watch this drama once, it will stay with you for a lifetime. Especially the plight and heartbreak of a lover betrayed in love,” Rohit commented. In July, Zee Zindagi announced the Pakistani drama was set to air on the channel from August 2. The channel has previously aired several Pakistani offerings, such as Qissa Meharbano Ka, Aasmaanon Pe Likha, Hum Kahan Ke Sachay Thay among others. Taking to Instagram, Zindagi, while sharing the trailer of the popular drama, shared, "What happens when you feel money can buy happiness? Here's a glimpse of the much-awaited show! Meray Paas Tum Ho, coming soon on Indian Television screens!" Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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