In a mesmerizing rendezvous that transcended borders, the legendary Bollywood star Mumtaz added another chapter to her maiden visit to Pakistan. This time, the iconic actress found herself in the spotlight alongside renowned Pakistani actor Resham, as the two danced to an iconic song featuring Mumtaz herself. A video of the occasion quickly went viral on Instagram, showing the two celebs flaunting elegant moves to the hit song Koi Sehri Babu Dil Lehri Babu from 1973 Bollywood film Loafer starring Dharmendra and Mumtaz. Clad in all-white traditional ensembles, Resham and Mumtaz garnered praise from fans with their heartfelt camaraderie as the two laughingly shared an embrace. Joining in on the fun and encouraging the duo, Ahsan Khan was also spotted in the viral video. Earlier, the Udaari actor revealed that the renowned Indian actor was on a personal visit to Pakistan for two weeks, in conversation with The Express Tribune. “Mumtaz is a very close friend, we often speak. She's never been to Pakistan and we had spoken about her visiting the country. This is her maiden visit and she's loving it,” Ahsan divulged. Throughout her two-week sojourn in the country, Mumtaz would explore Islamabad and Lahore and meet with friends, the Pakistani actor further disclosed. Remarking on his cross-border friendship with Mumtaz, Ahsan shared how the Bollywood icon commended his work in his latest drama, Sukoon. “You know, it's so surreal that she spoke to me when the first episode of Sukoon came out. She's always been a fan of Pakistani dramas and a while ago, she inquired if I was working on a project. I told her about Sukoon and after she saw the first episode, she told me that it will be a very well-received project,” he added. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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