Bollywood legendary veteran Amitabh Bachchan recently bid an emotional farewell to the audience in the concluding episode of the 15th season of the quiz-based game show Kaun Banega Crorepati, as reported by India Today. However, the sentimental tone of Bachchan's farewell speech in the latest episode sparked confusion among fans online. Speculation arose, questioning whether the iconic actor was concluding the current season or announcing his retirement from the show. A teary-eyed Bachchan formally ended the ongoing season, saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s time to go as the stage won’t be the same. It’s difficult to let everyone know that we won’t be returning here from tomorrow.” Continuing the poignant moment, he added, “For the last time, I am bidding you all goodbye from this show, goodnight.” While clarity regarding whether the Sholay actor has permanently departed from the show remains elusive, fans remain hopeful that Bachchan will make a triumphant return with a new season next year. The final episode of the 15th season featured special guests Sara Ali Khan, Vidya Balan, and Sharmila Tagore joining Bachchan on stage. The veteran actor has successfully hosted the show for 14 years since 2000, with actor Shah Rukh Khan taking his seat for season 3 before Bachchan returned as presenter. Earlier this year, Bachchan poured his heart out in a blog post as he addressed the often misunderstood struggles faced by individuals in the creative industry. With deep emotion and personal insight, Bachchan highlighted the challenges that creative individuals encounter, shedding light on the misconceptions and criticism they endure without a full understanding of their journey. Bachchan eloquently expressed his thoughts on the disheartening perception of being treated as a mere punching bag in the public eye. He noted the tendency of outsiders to easily place blame, attribute non-performance, and make unethical assumptions about the creative community. However, he emphasised that their challenges are seldom comprehended, particularly in the quest to bring creative visions to life. The actor stated in the post: “But it is seldom understood what the ‘creatives’ go through in their quest to perform the creative. Most of the time created by someone else, who believes that you should be the person that shall justify it. Misery.” He further continued, saying, “They live on assumption. We live in fear. Our fear is not limited as assumed. It has many facets, which are unknown to the ones of many, but who to, and why waste valuable time in the discussion? Take it, and leave it. Get on to the creative.” Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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