Renowned actor and TV host, Nadia Khan recently made an appearance on Good Morning Pakistan with host Nida Yasir and former showbiz colleague, Noor Bukhari, where she engaged in a candid conversation addressing how men exploit women reeling from heartbreak. “When you’re at a stage when you fall weak, a lot of people come to you under the pretext of offering support. Lots of men come, at your office, in your family, among your friends, and take advantage of the situation,” Nadia said. “Whenever you’re undergoing a recent divorce, separation, or any breakup, resolve to never cry in front of a man,” the actor stated while Nida and Noor nodded in appreciation. “You’ll find in these men a bigger snake than before,” the Laag actor added. She urged women not to rush into new relationships following the end of one romantic relationship, cautioning, “A second heartbreak awaits you the moment you express your sorrows to a man.” Although the actor did not delve into her personal experiences, she encouraged women to exercise mindfulness, make thoughtful choices, and avoid becoming emotionally vulnerable by seeking comfort in another man after experiencing heartbreak. “At that moment, you’re so weak and vulnerable and don’t notice what’s happening,” Nadia said, reflecting on the emotional baggage of a bad breakup. “Talk to a woman, a friend, your mother, a stranger, but never divulge your worries to a man,” she further insisted, humorously claiming, “The second you tell him and if he doesn’t take advantage of you, you can change my name to Tabassum.” This is not the first time Nadia has shared her take on divorce and its social implications. Earlier in 2023, the actor-turned-host commented on rising divorce rates. During a podcast with Hafiz Ahmed, she pointed out how women have more financial independence now, which also helps them become self-sufficient in times of crisis. After being asked about the main reasons behind divorces in Pakistan, the Wehshi actor said, "I think people are quite disloyal in these times. In the 1990s if a man had to even approach women, it used to be a huge hassle for him. Like going up to women to give their personal number and just hoping she calls them back.” Nadia furthered, “Now, there is so much exposure between men and women that husbands don't pay heed to their wives at home anymore. She is always looking after the children at home and is stressed with household work and they find that 'boring'." Have something to add? Share it in the comments below.
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