Pakistan's arguably biggest superstar, Mahira Khan, tied the knot with long-time beau, Salim Karim in a gorgeous wedding in Bhurban. The couple's intimate affair made headlines when the star shared glimpses from her nuptials. While many congratulated Mahira and Salim on their new journey, others shared their unnecessary thoughts on how lavish the wedding was. It all began when Mahira shared pictures from her Mayoun, donning an old-school mustard and green Zara Shahjahan outfit. One of the tweeps shared back then how 'elites' keep it simple during their wedding. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mahira Khan (@mahirahkhan) Her take was met with backlash by fellow social media users, who commented on the designer's expensive collections. Now, actor Nazish Jahangir shared her two cents on the matter. Taking to Instagram, Nazish lashed out about how Mahira's 'extravagant' wedding was under scrutiny. "Whether the wedding is simple or lavish, why are you inquiring how much money they've spent as if you're the one footing the bill," the Jinzada actor shared. "Just tell me why. Why can't you all be happy in other's joy? Is it really that difficult?" View this post on Instagram A post shared by Galaxy Lollywood (@galaxylollywood) Pakistan's sweetheart tied the knot earlier this month. The videos from the Humsafar star's big day went viral on social media. Mahira's manager, Anushay Talha Khan, took to Instagram and shared the star's first look as she walked down the aisle. Donning an icy blue Faraz Manan lehenga choli with gold and silver detailing alongside an elaborate veil, Mahira could be seen walking towards her husband. In another video shared by her brother, Hissan Khan, we see the first glimpse of the groom. Salim opted for a black sherwani and a matching pyjama coupled with an icy blue turban. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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