Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan recently expressed his gratitude towards veteran actor Rajpal Yadav after the latter showered him with praise during an interview. \Varun Dhawan shared a message on his Instagram story, acknowledging the kind words and calling Rajpal Yadav his mentor. On January 15, Varun Dhawan posted a video clip from an interview where Rajpal Yadav spoke fondly about their professional relationship. Rajpal Yadav, who worked with Varun in films such as Main Tera Hero, Judwaa 2, and Coolie No. 1, praised his co-star’s versatility, work ethic, and growth as an actor. In the interview with Filmygyan, Rajpal Yadav recalled how Varun would visit the sets of films like Mujhse Shaadi Karogi as a teenager, saying, “Varun is a complete star. He has great dancing skills, excellent comedic timing, and a hardworking, well-mannered nature. His innocent face, coupled with his dedication, makes him a true star material.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by F I L M Y G Y A N (@filmygyan) Rajpal Yadav also noted that Varun is continuing his father's legacy, the renowned director David Dhawan, by displaying his range and versatility as an actor. He pointed out that despite mixed box-office outcomes, Varun has always chosen roles that push his boundaries. Rajpal Yadav emphasised that Varun deserves all the credit for taking risks and trying something different with every project. Varun Dhawan expressed his deep appreciation for Rajpal Yadav’s kind words in response. Sharing the video on his Instagram, he wrote, “@rajpalofficial sir, aap se maine bahut seekha hain,(I have learned a lot from you) thank you for the kind words,” accompanied by a hug emoji. Photo: ScreenGrab The duo’s professional journey has included numerous collaborations. They most recently appeared together in the film Baby John, which also featured Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi. Despite the film's mixed reception at the box office, Varun Dhawan has continued to earn praise for his dedication to his craft. Previously, Rajpal Yadav spoke candidly about the film Baby John's disappointing box office performance and shared how his co-star Varun Dhawan handled the setback. Rajpal Yadav discussed why Baby John, despite being a well-made film, did not succeed. He attributed its underperformance to the fact that it was a remake of the Tamil hit Theri. Rajpal Yadav explained, "If this weren’t a remake, then this would have been the most well-made film of my 25-year career. But since Vijay had already done it, the audience had already seen it, which affected the box office." View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mohd Danish (@dk____vlog) Baby John had a massive production budget but earned only a fraction of its cost at the domestic box office, marking it as one of the year's biggest flops. The action film, directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee, featured Varun Dhawan in a mass-action role, along with Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, and Jackie Shroff. When asked about Varun’s reaction to the film’s failure, Rajpal Yadav emphasised that the young actor did not let the setback affect him. "Varun is such a sweet boy, very hardworking. He has always tried to do something different, and his attempts must be appreciated because it’s a big deal to take risks," Yadav said, refuting claims that Varun was depressed by the film’s lacklustre performance.
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