Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, famously known as Big B, is once again hosting the popular Indian TV show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ (KBC), now in its 16th season. The actor’s per-episode fee for the latest season has recently been revealed. Bachchan, who has been the face of KBC since its inception in 2000, is continuing his long-running association with the show, which played a pivotal role in reviving his career. According to Indian media, Bachchan’s career was facing a downturn in the early 2000s when he was offered the role of host for KBC’s debut season. He accepted the offer, and the show not only brought him immense fame but also helped re-establish his successful film career. Bachchan's witty remarks and anecdotes light up the Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) episodes. In the new promo released by Sony TV, a contestant is seen asking Amitabh Bachchan if he had visited girls' colleges like Lady Shri Ram College (LSR), Gargi, Kamala Nehru College during his student days. The female participant asked, "Aap beech beech mein south campus bhi aate the kya? LSR, Gargi, Kamala Nehru ke aas paas (Did you visit south campus colleges like Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Kamala Nehru College and others)?" View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sony Entertainment Television (@sonytvofficial) Amitabh Bachchan studied at north campus's Kirori Mal College. LSR is also nearby to that college. Amitabh Bachchan, in his inimitable style replied, "I am now married and have grandkids too. Those were the days of my youth, if I share all of this now, my image will suffer as this is a family show (People will pass comments about me)."
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