Television host Nida Yasir and her husband, actor and director Yasir Nawaz, are once again under scrutiny. Recently, the couple, who performed Hajj this year, have been sharing vlogs of their vacation in Switzerland on their YouTube channel. These videos have sparked discontent among social media users. Critics have taken issue with Nida Yasir's decision to abandon the hijab she wore during Hajj, questioning her choice to appear without it during their travels. In response, Nida Yasir addressed the criticism in one of their vlogs. She questioned why people were trolling them, asking, "What wrong have we done by coming to see the beautiful natural sights created by Allah after performing Hajj?" Read also: Yasir Nawaz and Nida Yasir respond to backlash over Hajj videos and photos Yasir Nawaz supported his wife, stating that people will always find reasons to criticise. "We are here to enjoy the beautiful and captivating scenery created by Allah," he said. Nida further defended their choice, emphasising that after working hard all year, they deserved to spend quality time with their family in nature. Yasir added that despite the trolling, they would continue to enjoy the breathtaking views. Earlier this year, the couple shared vlogs of their Hajj journey on their YouTube channel, which also drew significant criticism from users. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Galaxy Lollywood (@galaxylollywood)
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