Always game for mixing it up for his fans, veteran actor Naumaan Ijaz took to his Instagram handle to pose in a traditional black outfit leading at least fans to ask if he was intentionally emulating Bollywood star Ranveer Singh, known for his extravagant outfits. Not one to leave his followers hanging, the Dar Si Jaati Hai Sila star quipped back in the comments section, “He follows me, dear.” With a stack of answers ready in his arsenal to whip out on every occasion, when a fan asked if Ranveer himself had commented on Naumaan’s photo, the legendary actor replied, “Dear, he’s a busy man, why would he?” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Naumaan Ijaz (@m_naumaanijazofficial) An actor committed to engaging with his followers, Naumaan took the time to craft a reply to nearly every comment headed his way. Meanwhile, when not questioning Naumaan’s desire to follow in the footsteps of Bollywood fashion trendsetters such as Ranveer, fans also pondered whether the Kami Reh Gaee star’s black garb was, in fact, a costume for a possible role in a Turkish show. “No,” replied Naumaan. When pressed for the reason by impatient fans, he elaborated, “They [Turkish producers] don’t want to invest in Pakistani actors.” In another section of the thread, he explained to another fan, "Their budget is too low." Turkey may not be investing in Pakistani actors, but Naumaan has won the hearts of fans in his most recent appearance in the web series Mrs & Mr Shameem, a show about a couple who doesn’t conform to gender expectations and expectations. Naumaan plays the lead role of Shameem “Shammo” in the series opposite television star Saba Qamar, who plays his wife Umaima “Ummi”. The show was released in March 2022, and Naumaan’s portrayal of the effeminate Shammo has resonated with the actor’s fans. “Watching Mrs & Mr Shameem, you have absolutely done justice to your role,” gushed one commenter in his post. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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