The Pakistani entertainment industry is in mourning following the death of legendary actor Talat Hussain, who passed away in Karachi on Sunday at the age of 83 after a prolonged illness. His death has prompted an outpouring of grief and tributes from prominent celebrities across the country. Leading the tributes was fellow actor Bushra Ansari, who called Hussain “king of the world of voice.” In a conversation with a private news outlet, Ansari noted, “Very few artists speak the Urdu language in such a brilliant, clear and beautiful manner, and also speak English in the same clear and beautiful way.” Humayun Saeed expressed his sorrow on IG Stories, calling Hussain “a legend and an icon.” He shared, “Deeply saddened to learn about Talat Hussain sahab’s passing… May Allah bless his soul.” Veteran actor Rubina Ashraf remembered Hussain as a precious mentor for all. She stated, “Another great gone. Talat Hussain wasn’t just an accomplished actor, he was a teacher and an academy where many of us took our first lessons. Rest in peace, dear one, for you will live in our hearts forever.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rubina Ashraf (@ashrafrubina) Nabeel Zafar remarked, “You will be missed Talat bhai” whereas Adnan Siddiqui relayed his deep sentiments on the microblogging platform X, formerly Twitter, saying, “Passing away of Talat Hussain sahib feels like a personal loss. He was there not as a co-actor but guiding force when I did my first-ever play, Khwabon Ki Zanjir. Another of the greats gone.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nabeel Zafar (@nabeelzafar.official) Passing away of Talat Hussain sahib feels like a personal loss. He was there not as a co-actor but guiding force when I did my first ever play, Khwabon Ki Zanjir. Another of the greats gone. — Adnan Siddiqui (@adnanactor) May 26, 2024 Joining in the chorus of tributes, Behroze Sabzwari reminisced about his collaboration with Hussain, acknowledging his invaluable contributions to the theatre industry. Speaking with a private media outlet, Sabzwari praised the Bandish actor’s dialogue delivery, stating, “I can’t recall how many times I’ve tried to speak like Talat bhai in dramas but I can’t.” Aijaz Aslam paid homage, saying, “Sir Talat Hussain, Your legacy will live on through the countless lives you touched. May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannah. Rest in peace, a true icon.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Aijaz aslam (@aijazzaslamofficial) The news of Hussain's passing was also met with condolences from Senator Faisal Javed who took to X and said, “May Allah rest Talat Hussain sahab’s soul in peace and give his family and friends enough strength to cope with this huge loss. A legendary actor and an academy himself, Talat sahab was a star whose brilliance, flawless acting and natural expressions were recognisable across the generations.” إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ We belong to Allah and to him we will return۔ May Allah rest #TalatHussain sab's soul in peace and give his family and friends enough strength to cope with this huge loss. A legendary actor and an academy himself, Talat sab was a… — Faisal Javed Khan (@FaisalJavedKhan) May 26, 2024 Recalling his own experiences of working with the departed icon, Javed added, “I consider myself hugely privileged to have worked with him for some voiceover projects in the early 2000s. Very professional and decent man he was.” Acting President Yusuf Raza Gilani displayed profound grief over the passing of the esteemed actor. In a statement released by his party on X, Gilani extolled Hussain's “invaluable” contributions to the industry, emphasising that his remarkable talent will forever be etched in the annals of Pakistani entertainment history. قائمقام صدر مملکت سید یوسف رضا گیلانی کا معروف فنکار طلعت حسین کے انتقال پر گہرے دکھ وغم کا اظہار مرحوم طلعت حسین کی فنون لطیفہ کیلئےگرانقدر خدمات کو ہمیشہ یاد رکھا جائے گا-صدر مملکت اللّٰہ تعالیٰ مرحوم کے درجات بلند کرے اور سوگواران کو صبر جمیل عطا کرے-صدر مملکت — PPP (@MediaCellPPP) May 26, 2024 Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz joined the horde of condolences, expressing her deep sorrow and sympathies to Hussain's bereaved family. “He was one of a kind in acting,” she remarked in a statement shared by her party, highlighting Hussain's unparalleled talent and impact on the industry. وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب مریم نواز شریف کا نامور اداکار طلعت حسین کے انتقال پر اظہار افسوس وزیراعلیٰ مریم نواز شریف کا طلعت حسین کے اہل خانہ سے اظہارِ ہمدردی و تعزیت وزیراعلیٰ مریم نواز شریف کا طلعت حسین کی فنی خدمات کو خراج تحسین طلعت حسین فن اداکاری میں اپنی مثال آپ تھے۔ مریم… — PMLN Digital (@PMLNDigital) May 26, 2024 Former Sindh Governor Ishratul Ebad lamented the loss of Hussain, describing him as a “legendary figure” whose contributions spanned across radio, television, and cinema. Ebad, in a statement on X, underscored Hussain's enduring legacy in the arts, affirming that his memory will endure through the ages. "Saddened to hear about the passing of veteran actor Talat Hussain. A legendary figure in radio, TV, and cinema, his contributions to the arts will be remembered." إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ Saddened to hear about the passing of veteran actor Talat Hussain (صاحب). A legendary figure in radio, TV, and cinema, his contributions to the arts will be remembered. My heartfelt condolences to his family. May he be granted the… — Dr Ishrat Ul Ebad (@drishratulebad) May 26, 2024 As tributes pour in from across the country, it is evident that Hussain's indelible mark on Pakistani entertainment will continue to resonate, serving as an enduring testament to his unparalleled talent and influence. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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