To ring in her birthday 33rd birthday celebrations, actor Zara Noor Abbas took to Instagram to include her fans and followers in her special day. Sharing a total of five photos, the Parey Hut star’s birthday featured a simple but beautiful cake dotted with flowers, covered in light blue frosting and crowned with a trio of tea candles. “Hoping and praying that this birthday brings me a lot of peace and comfort and my miracle can come to me in health and happiness,” began the Zara, who had recently announced her second precious pregnancy on Instagram with husband Asad Siddiqui after losing her first-born son in a tragic stillbirth in 2021. Flaunting minimal makeup, Zara radiated natural beauty clad in a simple white cotton-like outfit amid the simple background of her aesthetically decorated home. A pair of turquoise and silver dangling earrings added a splash of colour, along with pink bangles on one hand and green on the other. With simplicity and gratitude shining through, Zara made singled out her loved ones and fans for always being by her side over the years, through good times and bad. “Thank you to my family and friends and fans for always celebrating me and loving me. Your energy and support keeps me going,” wrote the actor, hands clasped and head bowed in gratitude and she sat before her gorgeous cake. Zara saved the biggest thanks of all for her parents. “Most special birthday because my amma baba is next to me. Alhamdullilah,” she shared. A warm and glowing mother-daughter-duo photo made up the third picture in Zara’s slide, with both parents embracing her in the penultimate photo, their love shining through the camera for all to see. The final photo featured a close-up of Zara admiring her cake, her face awash with the warm glow of the tealights. Zara’s fans wasted no time in the birthday celebrations, with a slew of ‘happy birthdays’ splashed across the comments. Have something to add to the story? Share in the comments.
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