Renowned Pakistani actor Imran Abbas, celebrated for his stellar performances and widespread popularity, recently shared insights about his 2011 iconic drama serial Khuda Aur Mohabbat, during an interview. The actor, who gained immense fame for his impeccable portrayal of a heartbroken lover in the blockbuster drama, turned the series into a superhit franchise. In a clip making rounds on the internet, Imran teased that if the series continues with a fourth installment, the lead role might be taken over by a talented young actor. “It’s upto the producers but in the proposed cast uptil now, the boy (who would play the lead) is a very nice guy. He’s the producer’s son,” the Ehraam-e-Junoon actor talked about how the role might go to Haroon Kadwani. “If he’s doing the role, I am very happy. But I would be similarly joyed if Feroze (Khan) does it too. He’s a very good actor, a very hard-working boy,” Imran put his two cents, expressing confidence in both potential leads. These days the actor is busy promoting his first Punjabi film, an Indian production titled Jee Ve Sohneya Jee. Released on February 16 this year, the cross-border romance comes eight years after Imran delighted fans with a guest appearance in Karan Johar’s 2016 Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. However, the actor made his Bollywood debut in 2014 with the Bipashu Basu-starrer horror film Creature 3D. Starring Indian actor Simi Chahal as the romantic interest, and written and directed by Thaparr, Jee Ve Sohneya Jee is a love story between a Pakistani boy and an Indian girl, played by Abbas and Chahal respectively. Receiving praise for the on-screen chemistry between the two lead actors, the film promises to be a moving exploration of a love that transcends geographical borders. Shortly before the film’s release, Imran’s close friend and Bollywood actor Ameesha Patel announced that she would join him in Dubai to promote Jee Ve Sohneya Jee. The announcement was made in a social media buzz as Ameesha took to Instagram to share the exciting news. “Hi guys, this is Ameesha Patel and I am coming to Dubai on the 14th of February to the Dubai Mall at 5 pm to support my friend Imran Abbas’ beautiful film, Jee Ve Sohneya Jee,” the actor expressed her enthusiasm for flying to Dubai as a heartwarming gesture. Describing Imran’s latest venture, she called the film “a beautiful magical love story with a beautiful musical journey, especially on Valentine’s Day for all those in love.” Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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