Having garnered cross-border fame and affection, Pakistani actor Mahira Khan’s admirers are not only fans who watch from afar but also her showbiz colleagues. In a recent display of appreciation, actor Mawra Hocane took to her Instagram Story with a heartfelt message for the Raees actor. Commending Mahira’s affinity for art and culture, Mawra shared a picture of a painting adorning the entrance of the former’s residence. Penning her note in the overlaying text, the Sammi actor said, “Trust my Mahira to have the most iconic cross-over painting at her entrance.” Inserting a white heart emoji, she furthered on, “I’m so proud of you. Not for everything that the world already knows. But for everything behind the scenes. You know my prayers for you.” Notably, both Mahira and Mawra have made their Bollywood debuts in the past, with Raees (2017) and Sanam Teri Kasam (2016) respectively. In December, Indian media outlets News18 and Free Press Journal reported that the Razia star was in talks to make her Malayalam film debut in the highly anticipated film L2: Empuraan. The development comes after Bombay High Court's decision to lift the ban on Pakistani artists. Mahira is said to be considering a pivotal role opposite Malayalam superstar Mohanlal in the sequel to the blockbuster film Lucifer. Director Prithviraj Sukumaran, at the helm of L2: Empuraan, has not officially responded to the circulating rumours about Mahira's potential involvement in the project. However, speculation has arisen due to the close friendship between Prithviraj, his wife Supriya Menon, and Mahira, with her husband Salim Karim. A viral group photo from a Maldives vacation further fueled the rumours. The superstar, in a previous interview with a local network, expressed her admiration for Malayalam cinema, encouraging her friends and followers to explore the industry. She praised Malayalam films for their storytelling, acting, and production values, expressing her desire to work in the industry. Have something to add to the story? Share it in the comments below.
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